Crate bttp

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This crate contains the implementation of the secure message transport bttp.

A bttp server is implemented by Receiver and a client by Transmitter.


  • An address which identifies a block on the network. An instance of this struct can be used to get a socket address for the block this address refers to.
  • A message tagged with the block path that it was sent from.
  • Type which receives messages sent over the network sent by a Transmitter.
  • A type for sending a reply to a message. Replies are sent over their own streams, so no two messages can interfere with one another.
  • A type which can be used to transmit messages over the network to a crate::Receiver.


  • Trait for messages which can be transmitted using the call method.
  • A trait for types which can be called to asynchronously handle deserialization. This trait is what enables zero-copy handling of messages which support borrowing data during deserialization.
  • Trait for types which can be called to handle messages received over the network. The server loop in Receiver uses a type that implements this trait to react to messages it receives.
  • Trait for messages which can be transmitted using the send method. Types which implement this trait should specify () as their reply type.

Type Definitions

  • The common result type used by the Blocktree crates.