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// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
//! This crate defines the common configuration system used by other Blocktree crates. To define a
//! new configuration struct all you need to do is derive [Serialize] and [Deserialize] and
//! implement the [Default] trait.
//! Environment variables prefixed with "BT_" are used for setting configuration values. When a
//! configuration struct contains another struct in one of its fields, then names of the fields
//! in the sub-struct are separated from the struct's field name with `_`. In order for this
//! to work you have to use a [serde] attribute to rename fields which contain `_` characters.
//! For example:
//! ```
//! use btconfig::CredStoreConfig;
//! use std::path::PathBuf;
//! use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! struct AppConfig {
//! #[serde(rename = "credstore")]
//! cred_store: CredStoreConfig,
//! path: PathBuf,
//! }
//! ```
//! For this struct, the path field is set using the `BT_PATH` environment variable. In order to set
//! credential store, the `BT_CREDSTORE_TYPE` variable must be set to a valid variant name of the
//! [CredStoreConfig] enum, and the
//! required fields must be set using their variables. For example, if `BT_CREDSTORE_TYPE=File`,
//! then `BT_CREDSTORE_PATH` must be set to the path to the credential store file.
//! When an enum is used for configuration, serde must be configured to externally tag it in order
//! for a variant to be specified using an environment variable. This is done by adding
//! `#[serde(tag = "type")]` to the enum. See [CredStoreConfig] as an example.
use btlib::{
crypto::{file_cred_store::FileCredStore, tpm::TpmCredStore, CredStore, CredStoreMut, Creds},
use figment::{providers::Env, Figment, Metadata, Provider};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{path::PathBuf, result::Result as StdResult, sync::Arc};
pub const SYS_CONFIG_DIR: &str = "/etc/blocktree";
/// Returns the path of the current user's configuration directory.
pub fn user_config_dir() -> PathBuf {
let home = std::env::var("HOME");
let base = if let Ok(ref home) = home { home } else { "." };
let mut path = PathBuf::from(base);
/// Returns the default directory to store blocks in.
pub fn default_block_dir() -> PathBuf {
let mut path = user_config_dir();
/// Attempts to unwrap the [Option] field in `$config` called `$name`. This macro internal
/// uses the `?` operator, and can only be used in methods which return a [Result] which has an
/// error type that a [btlib::Error] can be converted to.
macro_rules! get_setting {
($config:expr, $name:ident) => {
.ok_or_else(|| bterr!(concat!("setting '", stringify!($name), "' was not set")))?
/// Attempts to unwrap all of the [Option] fields with the given names in the configuration struct
/// and returns them all as a tuple. The same consideration which apply to [get_setting!] apply to
/// this macro.
macro_rules! get_settings {
($config:expr$(, $names:ident)+) => {
($(get_setting!($config, $names),)+)
pub trait FigmentExt: Sized {
fn btconfig(self) -> Result<Self>;
impl FigmentExt for Figment {
fn btconfig(self) -> Result<Self> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(tag = "type")]
/// Configuration which specifies how to construct a [btlib::crypto::CredStore].
pub enum CredStoreConfig {
/// Use a local file as a credential store.
File {
/// The path where the credential store is located.
path: PathBuf,
/// Use the configured TPM as a credential store.
Tpm {
/// The state path to use for the TPM credential store.
path: PathBuf,
/// The configuration string to pass to `tss-esapi`.
tabrmd: String,
impl CredStoreConfig {
pub fn from<T: Provider>(provider: T) -> StdResult<Self, figment::Error> {
pub fn figment() -> Figment {
impl Default for CredStoreConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
let mut path = user_config_dir();
CredStoreConfig::File { path }
impl Provider for CredStoreConfig {
fn metadata(&self) -> figment::Metadata {
fn data(
) -> StdResult<figment::value::Map<figment::Profile, figment::value::Dict>, figment::Error>
/// Trait for types which can consume a [CredStore] implementation.
pub trait CredStoreConsumer {
type Output;
fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output;
/// Trait for types which can consume a [CredStoreMut] implementation.
pub trait CredStoreMutConsumer {
type Output;
fn consume_mut<C: CredStoreMut>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output;
macro_rules! impl_consume {
($name:ident, $consumer:path) => {
#[doc = concat!("Calls `", stringify!($name), "` with the credential store created based on the configuration data in `self`")]
pub fn $name<F: $consumer>(self, consumer: F) -> Result<F::Output> {
match self {
CredStoreConfig::File { path } => {
let store = FileCredStore::new(path)?;
CredStoreConfig::Tpm { path, tabrmd } => {
let store = TpmCredStore::from_tabrmd(&tabrmd, path)?;
impl CredStoreConfig {
impl_consume!(consume, CredStoreConsumer);
impl_consume!(consume_mut, CredStoreMutConsumer);
/// A [CredStoreConsumer] which gets the node creds from the [CredStore], then returns them
/// as an `Arc<dyn Creds>`.
pub struct NodeCredConsumer;
impl CredStoreConsumer for NodeCredConsumer {
type Output = Result<Arc<dyn Creds>>;
fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {